Memorex Essential TravelDrive in many colours

Since I'm a sucker for anything that comes in "several vibrant colours and easily fits into a laptop bag or travel case", it was only a matter of time before I brought you news of Memorex's range of 320GB portable hard drives. The Essential TravelDrive works with Macs and PCs, draws it power from the…

Aiaiai Y-Com iPhone Earbuds – bringing fancy Danish design to your ear-wear

To the left is an Aye-Aye - the world's largest nocturnal primate, hunted down and killed for being ugly. To the right are the Aiaiai Y-Com earbuds - created by a Danish design team, hunted down and bought for being pretty. Available in a choice of colour-ways, the Y-shape design that gives the Aiaiai earbuds…

The Geekini: Even geeks have summer holidays

There's a certain time of year when the many layers must be shed, and the butterfly will emerge from its chrysalis. The transformation from geek to beach hottie might not be quite as easy, but at least the Geekini will mean they can cling to their spiritual essence. French designer John Nouanesing has created a…

iStik iPod nano case: feel cool even if you don't look it

I'm going to go out on a limb here and state unequivocally that everyone loves magnets. Advancing technology may make us less than impressed with yesterday's gadgets, but magnets continue to enthral us with their apparent use of voodoo (or "science, if you must), something that these iStik iPod cases capitalise on to great effect.…

YouTube to bring film shorts to 'the world's largest theatre'

Chris Crocker, Numa Numa boy and the sneezing panda, come in. Your time is up. YouTube is getting all grown up on us with the launch of their screening room. They've partnered with some up and coming directors, to present some thought provoking and moving short films to an entirely new audience. If you're looking…

Top Twelve T-shirts to Geek out with

We know you guys love a good geeky gift, and we have a treat for you! We have collated the best techie T-Shirts around and put them into a lovely little gallery for your viewing pleasure. Now don't buy them all at once... CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW TO START THE GALLERY

Aesop's Fables hits timekeeping

Less haste, more speed, slow and steady wins the race, haven't you ever heard of the hare and the tortoise? It seems to be fast, you really need to be slow... or something. This clock takes the story of the hare and the tortoise and applies those principles to time keeping. Your hare is your…

Shiny Review: HP Mininote 2133

I was ever so excited to get my hands on the new HP Mininote, which by the looks of it, was touting itself as one of the more grown-up low ccost laptops. Sadly, I was sent the version running Windows Vista, and that's when it all began to unravel...

Geek Chic of the Week: Damn Scientists tee

It's the eternal cry, echoing the world over, potentially for eternity - 'where's my jetpack'. This tee crystallises the feeling of being cheated out of the future by scientists, and finding that we're still having to eat food, travel by car and generally live in a world which is *so* 1999. The print reads: 'The…