5 Fun Alternatives to Watching TV

Home workouts are an alternative to watching TV

As a mature adult, you’ve probably grown tired of watching TV and Netflix all the time.

It’s a form of entertainment that has been around for decades and has naturally started to lose its power over recent years.

Although watching TV is still a popular pastime (especially for older generations), it’s undeniable that there are more exciting sources of entertainment out there that you can get your hands on – all without breaking the bank.

So, if you want to spruce up your life a little bit, here are five fun alternatives to watching TV.

1. Online Casino Games

If you want a more interactive form of entertainment that requires critical thinking, then online casino games are perfect for you. As a starting point, you should play poker online for real money. From there, you can experiment with other casino games such as roulette if they capture your interest. Just remember to gamble responsibly!

2.  Podcasts

Podcasts have become one of the primary forms of entertainment in America. No matter who you speak to, they’ll tell you that they have a favorite podcast that they listen to every week. Whether it’s The Joe Rogan Experience or Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend, there’s a podcast for every niche possible.

Plus, you can listen to podcasts for free on certain platforms such as YouTube and Apple Podcasts. However, some platforms (like Spotify) require you to pay a subscription fee.

3. YouTube

Next up, YouTube.

It’s fair to say that YouTube is the new age television. There are thousands of channels on YouTube that get more views than most mainstream television networks, which really puts into perspective how popular YouTube has become.

So, if you’re bored out of your mind with what your TV has to offer, you should fire up YouTube on your smartphone or tablet and subscribe to some entertaining channels (pro tip, you’ll need a Google account to do this!). 

4.  Home Workouts

Home workouts are a super fun alternative to watching TV, especially if you’re someone who likes to be active.

All you need to do this is a spacious workout area (such as your living room) as well as suitable clothing and equipment. For a more ‘gym-like’ experience, you can also join online fitness classes, which involve you following along with the instructor’s directions on your screen.

5. Gaming Consoles (PS5, XBOX Series X/S)

Lastly, you should grab a gaming console.

New generation gaming consoles – like the PS5 and XBOX Series X/S – are built for gaming and streaming. What this means is that you can switch between video games and watching YouTube at the click of the button – they’re the ultimate media devices. Essentially, it’s like having a games console and TV combined into one.


The next time you’re at home watching TV and suddenly feel bored, make sure to try some of the above mentioned suggestions. They’re guaranteed to provide you with some much-needed fun and excitement while ensuring that you’re no longer reliant on your TV for entertainment.


