Is Apple's bizarre response to the Galaxy S4 (Schiller interview/weird email) tarnishing the brand?

There’s a very interesting story over at Mobile Industry Review which concerns an email that appears to have been sent to Apple iPhone 5 owners in the UK.

The email, which was sent to the editor Ewan MacLeod, had the subject heading of

How will you love it? Let us count the ways.

And it then went through a list of reasons why the person was right to buy an iPhone 5.

Coming off the back of the Samsung Galaxy S4 launch this Apple email looks pretty desperate. This isn’t the brand that sets the agenda and are little for what the competition does.

It follows the rather strange series of interviews given to US news sources by Apple company’s marketing chief Phil Schiller in which he vociferously attacked the new Samsung handset in a manner which suggested that the company were rattled by its launch.

Apple fans want to hear how the brand is going to take on Samsung in the future and not be told why they bought a phone in the past, which some pundits claim has been significantly superseded by a model from a rival.

It seems like what was once the world’s slickest marketing team has made another odd, and some might say, desperate move.

Ashley Norris

One thought on “Is Apple's bizarre response to the Galaxy S4 (Schiller interview/weird email) tarnishing the brand?

  • Sorry Apple I know I been with you for 2 years. I'm currently on the iPhone 4s its cool but the platform is not as creative and productivity base as my brothers Galaxy s3. I see him always doing stuff on his phone that I envy and can simply not do on my iPhone and that makes me jealous. It's also faster and runs really smooth compared to mine. For some reason Apple restricts you from anything you want to do with your phone. Yea my phone is glass and aluminum its cool and nice I like it but that doesn't do anything for me as far as functionality. I always put a case on it anyways so it doesn't even matter. I know I get updates often but I never see major changes to the UI and that becomes boring to me. I don't like how they setup my iPhone experience to their liking and not mine and to top it all of try to tell me that's what I like. People know as an individual what they like and don't like. The Galaxy s4 has much more things going on the then the Galaxy s3 so I can't wait. I been getting the impression Apple thinks people are idiots or stupid and that's not cool for example the heading their using right now “There's iPhone (where we control and tell you what you like). And then there's everything else.” (That is more sophisticated for you and might be to much innovation & technology all at once for you to handle)Can't wait to try something different… Exited!!! (Galaxy S4)

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