Facebook: What would happen if you printed out the social network?

No, it’s never going to happen, but printing supplier Cartridge Save has decided to combine the two things it loves, Facebook and printing stuff, to try and work out what it would look like, how much it would cost and how long it would take to read to print out every update, drunken photo and witty info page from the social network. We’re sure that’d make for riveting reading…

There are no official figures from Facebook about how often users update their statuses, but a study conducted by Cartridge Save found that 62% of those polled write something new everyday. If you go on to apply that to how many people have Facebook (to get a rough estimate) you have 292 billion updates, which is 584 billion lines of text.

Take a look at what that equates to in terms of paper, time and cost in the infographic below…


www.CartridgeSave.co.uk conducted a study of 2,102 Facebook users from across the UK.

Becca Caddy