In the world of professional photography, iPads have become the standard


You may still not be convinced that you need an iPad, but in one industry at least it has become the standard. And for one of its simplest functions…

A professional photographer friend told me that it’s now industry standard to present your portfolio to editors or clients on an iPad. Essentially using it as a particularly expensive digital photo frame.

I asked why you had to use an iPad when presenting a slide-show on a laptop or a simple digital photo frame would do exactly the same job – but in an industry that’s all about looks and presentation, pulling out your laptop just doesn’t cut it…

“Photo frames or laptops just don’t look as professional and aren’t as user-friendly.” she said. “Also, the iPad is becoming the industry standard. You just want to look the best you can, that would look a little amateur…”

We guess the situation is similar for graphic designers and other people who work with visuals.

At about £425 minimum, it’s another financial barrier to entry for someone trying to break into the industry. But my friend says that compared to printing out high quality pictures it can actually be cheap…

Anna Leach