Google Docs to get more fonts – a win for Letterheads everywhere

Call us superficial, but sometimes a font really makes a document. Whether you’re saying it with Calibri or Comic Sans makes a hell of a difference. So, mild font-geeks that we are, we were very happy to hear that Google Docs introduced 6 new fonts yesterday. It bumps up their total selection available up to 17.


The newbies comprise: Droid Serif and Droid Sans (fonts used on Google Android phones, described as “neutral but friendly” and optimised for reading on small screens); Calibri and Cambria ( two popular Microsoft Word fonts); and Consolas and Corsiva (two more artistic fonts).

Google promise more in future plus an opening up of the web API so that people can choose to use web fonts on their sites and documents.

Now I’m looking forward to this coming to Gmail too. The Google Docs blogger got a bit emotional describing it all:

“Documents without font choices are like photographs without colors. Just as shades of color can add depth to a picture, smart font choices give your text another dimension.”

We hear you fellow font-geek.

Anna Leach