5 Things to Do While Twitter is Fixing the MouseOver Virus

1126thumb.jpgMany people are staying away from Twitter today because a bug (the OneMouseOver Security Flaw) has posted heaps of dangerous links which can infect your computer without you even clicking on them. It doesn’t affect anyone on a third party app but still sounds like it might be wise to give that social networking a miss for the afternoon.

Here are five alternative things to do…

1) Go on Friendster. Remember what social networks used to be like? Pretty bad, yeah. Logging in here will at least make you realise that Twitter isn’t so bad after all and also what music you liked in 2001. That always surprises me.

2) Talk to your friends and loved ones (colleages will do). Share your thoughts, opinions and comments with them but through the medium of speech like we used to in the old days.

3) Complain about Twitter being down – on Facebook, Blogger, comment boards…

4) Flash bright lights in your eyes and get people to say disconnected sentences to you. It won’t fully replicate the wonder of Twitter, but you will get some of the adrenalin rush… of a fast moving tweet stream

5) It’s time to try out another micro-blogging service: Tumblr anyone? see a list here

Anna Leach