Ooh topical! How to photograph snow

Last time we had snow like this, it was February 25th 2005. How do we know? Because back then, Katie provided a quick tip on how to get the best from your snow photography. And in the interest of helping you get the most from your free day off work, we thought you might be interested all over again…

Quick! Before it’s too late – it’s melting! Photographer, Ken Rockwell, has been providing useful tips on how to photograph snow without it coming out all dark and gloomy looking. Dutiful as ever, I actually left the flat and took a walk round the park in order to try out Ken’s tips (in a nutshell: turn your exposure up to +1 – find it in exposure compensation, of just the menu option marked +/-). Here’s a before and after snap. Not the artiest shot, I agree, but the coffee shop was calling to me from afar. Should have got out earlier before all the snow had been killed by the footsteps of thousands of evil small people children.

Read [via LifeHacker]

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