Corrie (as in Coronation Street?) lands on the Nintendo DS

coronation st.jpgAyup duck, word on’t cobbled street is Coronation Street is being transformed into a game for Nintendo’s little handheld. Are you as gobsmacked as I am? I’m not going to pretend I watch it, but I do know Corrie has had its fair share of affairs, sex changes, scandals, murderers and serial killers (it wouldn’t be a soap without those). So perhaps it’ll be some kind of action game with the objective of handing out different missions all resulting in the violent death of Corrie characters (fingers crossed). And if that’s the case, tell me when I can sign up.

Sadly however, the game is being referred to as a task-based game, which sounds a little too close to a Corrie-style Sims to me. I mean what kind of tasks are you going to undertake – head on over the Rover’s Return and see how many pints you can down, or how many pairs of knickers you can craft in Mike Baldwin’s factory (is it even his factory any more?)? Or maybe they’ve found a way of weaselling in Deirdre and those huge red framed glasses, that some how concludes with a massive explosion or a car plunging onto the river, complete with people inside?

And if that fails, perhaps the game will deal with psychotic children trying to kill their parents (it’ll be Halo 3 all over again). Put it this way, there isn’t much scope to make this a hugely interesting game, but hey, I could be wrong.

The people with the plan come from Mindscape, the company also responsible for other TV transformations such as ‘Deal or no Deal’ and ‘Ready, Steady Cook’. I look forward trying my hand at this one!

[via Gizmodo]

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Lucy Hedges