Philips electronic tattoo concept – a new kind of 'physical mutilation'

According to Philips, “Tattoos and physical mutilation are amongst the oldest forms of personal expression and identity” and they’ve come up with an electronic tattoo, which “traverses across the landscape of the body, navigated by desire”. And at this point you should be wondering if this is Dutch copy that someone asked the work experience boy to stick into Babelfish for the UK website.

Obviously this is the kind of concept you can expect when you pick up your first pair of hoverboots, but the idea is that it’s a tattoo that appears and disappears as you touch the skin. And it is FREAKY. It’s a little bit like an anti-drug commercial, where you can see the nasty liquid seep through the veins of the person in question.

I guess the one advantage is that if you’ve had the chinese symbol for happiness/the name of your ex/a cartoon character you can just try and make sure no one touches you in that spot, keeping your guilty secret safe.

Check it out here.

Susi Weaser