Naf Naf Sunrise Effect Alarm Clock – a less SAD way to wakeup

naf naf sunrise alarm clock.jpgAh November! The month of drizzle, dog poo in leaf piles, and barely a scrap of sunlight. Yes, it’s the month where we do loads of link backs to old posts we’ve done on SAD lights! Just what you need to perk you up!

This Naf Naf LYS Sunrise Effect alarm clock is one to add to the collection. It does all the things a SAD light alarm clock should, producing a light that gradually gets brighter as you near your wake up call. Then it’s time for the “progressive alarm” to go off, which gets louder and louder for 6 minutes and offers a choice of sounds, including “nature”, or you can use the FM radio.

£39 from Amazon

Loads more lightboxes here:
The Aurora SAD lightbox
Bodyclock Alarm Clock
Lumie Elite Alarm Clock
And don’t forget our *hilarious* review of the Philips alarm clock (complete with winning fart gag).



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