1 in 3 adults make diet choices based on social media

  Drinking water instead of eating snacks, setting intake limits and cutting out all snacking are among the top changes people have already made to their diet due to social media influence. While more than a quarter of adults have cut out all bread, more than one in five have cut dairy entirely and 23…

What Are Really the Most Effective Ways to Lose Weight?

When you want to lose weight you might feel inclined to try a crash course diet as you want to achieve results as quickly as possible, but essentially you need a little patience and determination to succeed. It can be all too tempting to follow the latest fad diet on Instagram by a supposed fitness…

How to Beat the Post-Christmas Comedown

Christmas is like a sugar rush. It’s incredible for a while, but the comedown can be pretty bad. Sadly, indulging too much can lead to a pretty challenging start to the New Year. If you don’t get out of your funk quickly, it’s not unusual to find January and February unbearable, and the winter weather…

The Most Suitable Diet Plan To Pair With Weight Loss Products

Losing weight is in vogue right now because the mainstream media has finally caught on to the fact that many of us are overweight or obese and that this is going to have a severe impact on our life expectancies. On top of that, the pressure that an overweight nation will put on our health…

Things To Consider Before Becoming A Nutritionist

Dietitians are in demand. If you’re interested in food and nutrition and want to work for yourself, then becoming a nutritionist could be the career for you. Here’s what to consider first.  What does a nutritionist do? A nutritionist is an expert in food and nutrition who can help people to make better food decisions…

Dieting Doesn’t Have To Be Dull

When most people think of the word ‘diet’ they don’t think of exciting foods. Instead they think of bland bowls of salad served with a glass of tap water. The truth is that whilst many of the tastiest foods are unhealthy, there are still many healthy foods out there that are just as fun and…