Apple causes religious experience in brains of devotees, study suggests

Fellow Apple devotees - you know that feeling you get when unwrapping a brand new piece of kit from Apple? Well, if new research is to be believed, that's how religious people feel when visiting a beautiful church. We've long talked about the "Cult of Apple", but maybe it's more fitting to call it the…

WordPress ditches support for Internet Explorer 6

Popular website platform WordPress has announced it will no longer be supporting Internet Explorer 6. Jane Wells, UX lead for WordPress, explained the reasoning behind this in her blog: "It has required increasingly complex code trickery to make the WordPress dashboard work in the IE6 browser, which was introduced 10 years ago and does not…

UK's first touch-to-pay mobile phone launched today (for a chosen few)

Orange customers are the first to be able to pay for goods using their mobile phones - assuming you also are a customer of Barclaycard and have a Samsung Tocco Quick Tap handset. So not the broadest roll-out yet, but it's a good start for something we've been eagerly waiting for. More of us should…

Playboy back catalogue hits iPad in spirit of "nostalgia and affinity"

The entire Playboy back catalogue is now available on the iPad. That's right, every playmate, every article and every vintage ad from the magazine's 57 year long history can be viewed on your very own iPad, for $8 a month. Apple doesn't allow porn in the App Store, but Playboy is getting around this by…

Snail mail goes digital: Royal Mail introduces digital watermarks for post

Interested parties will need the Digital Space App, a free app soon to be launched on the App Store and Android Marketplace. Then you hold your phone over the digital watermark on the letter and voila - you have digital mail. Only people with a 3G iPhone or an Android phone can use this though.…

Microsoft close to buying Skype for $8.5 billion – a good idea?

It's not final yet, but speculation has it Microsoft is close to bringing onboard calling service Skype. The deal would set Microsoft back $8.5 billion, and it would be its biggest acquisition to date. Skype has 124 million monthly users, although many of them do not pay for their usage. Overheads are low, though, as…

20 million Facebook users are under the minimum age

You have to be 13 years old to be on Facebook, those are the rules - but a study shows that 20 million children are happily networking away in spite of being too young. 7.5 million of Facebook users were under 13, while over 5 million were younger than 10, according to a study published…

Facebook introduces feature to control your own profile feed

Facebook now lets you control what appears on your list of recent activities. Until now we had to delete items one by one if we wanted to remove things, but Facebook has introduced a "hide all" filter that will block certain types of stories. This means that if you don't want it announced every time…

The kissing machine that may be the future of celebrity worship

Kiss Transmission Device by amaliak The machine is designed to transmit the feeling of a kiss, apparently. In reality it's a rotating straw, presented by a painfully geeky kid in a deeply disturbing little video clip. But never mind that - Japanese boffins are on the case, and if they are successful, long distance couples…