Gallery: Ten fun gadgets and apps for a geeky Valentine's

Love it or hate it, it's Valentine's Day on Monday. Cue flowers, cards and dinners for some, for others it may be a case of fish and chips - and not just for the singles as V-day is a challenge for a lot of couples too. So in an effort to provide some comic relief,…

Hotmail aliases make it easier to manage split online personalities

One for work, one for play and one to keep spam from hitting the other two - that's how most people split their email addresses, according to Microsoft. It makes sense, as you don't want work stuff bothering you at the weekend, and your really don't want your best friend's colourful account of what she…

Ken asks the internet for help in winning back Barbie for Valentine's

It hasn't been easy for Ken these past few years, living without the perfect doll companion. Barbie left the smooth-looking fellow around this time seven years ago, following a 43 year-long relationship. Now Ken is hoping she will reconsider in time for their would-be 50th anniversary. Ken, or should we say his creators at Mattel,…

Keeping up with the Facebookers: How social networking makes liars of us all

Wasting ten minutes to leaf through holiday photos of someone you haven't seen since primary school will always be a key danger of Facebook. But there are bigger and more serious threats lurking, according to a study which has proven that Facebook envy is very real. The news is not good, according to the conclusions…