Dragdis is your one stop shop for remembering cool stuff

>If you’re anything like me, then when you see something you’d like to save or share or flag for future reference then you’re likely to pin it, favourite it, bookmark it, email it or send it to your kindle depending on what kind of mood you’re in. Dragdis is a simple new Chrome extension designed to make saving things you want to take a look at again as easy as possible.

As you can imagine from its name, Dragdis works by dragging and dropping anything that interests you, from an image or video to a link or chunk of text, into a designated folder that pops up at the side of your screen. You can create your own folders and even add apps to the side that allow you to share things to your social networks or other services too.

In many ways it’s just like a traditional bookmarking tool, but it’s much more intuitive. It could be seen as a competitor to the likes of Pinterest and Evernote, but the fact you can integrate those kinds of services into your Dragdis sidebar means it’s more of a convenient filter that you can pass everything through rather than a replacement for your favourite services.

Sign up to Dragdis here.

Becca Caddy