Top Ten Photo Apps for iPhone

Make your holiday snaps look like they were taken by Nan Goldin… or put rainbows on them, or just make them look better. We do a round-up of the best iPhone photo apps to magic up your phone pictures into works of art.

It emerged last week that the iPhone 4 was the 2nd most used camera on global photo-sharing site Flickr – showing not just that loads of people take pictures on their iPhones, but that they are proud of them too.

The camera on the back of the iPhone 4 is a relatively modest 5 megapixels, but Apple’s insistence on the high quality sensor inside and auto focus means that it is very light-sensitive and produces sharp attractive images.

Then there are the iPhone photo apps. Where Hipstamatic led, many have followed, all promising to whiz up snaps of your mates down the pub into beautiful retro masterpieces.

What’s more – they do genuinely work. Who knew that picture of your cat on the sofa could look so damn good? Then there are a host of other useful apps that can help with anything from sharing to editing to putting rainbows on your friend’s heads..

Here are ten of our favourite photo apps for iPhone.

Anna Leach


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